HistoryofScience.com Blog

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Claude Shannon's master's thesis sold

We were excited to sell an original carbon typescript signed of Claude Shannon’s A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits. This copy of the original thesis, which Shannon submitted to M.I.T. for his Master of Science degree on August 10, 1937, may be the only extant copy other than the file copy at M.I.T. Shannon’s master’s thesis has been frequently called the most important master’s thesis of the twentieth century because of the influence it had on the development of the electronic and computer industries, both of which it pre-dated by at least a decade. The thesis is known primarily from an edited version that appeared in the Transactions of the A.I. E.E. in 1938. Jeremy included that text in his anthology, From Gutenberg to the Internet.

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posted by Jeremy Norman @ 8:25 AM   13 Comments


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